Oral Cancer Screening
New Technology Helps Dentists Wage War Against Oral Cancer.
The good news is that a revolutionary hand-held device, called VELscope (Visually Enhanced Lesion Scope) offers Dentists and other oral health care providers a painless early detection option. Early detection raises the oral cancer survival rate to 90%.
VELscope is a handheld instrument that emits a safe blue light into the mouth. Healthy tissue reflects the light back, and appears pale green and fluorescent to the observer, while developing tumor cells appear dark. Suspicious areas will then be biopsied. Since oral cancer is a very aggressive cancer, and in its early stages there are frequently no signs or symptoms, a VELscope can save critical time in the cancer diagnosis, greatly enhancing the chance of survival.
Our mission is to keep current with all state-of-the-art dental technology. Our practice prides itself on being one of the first Dental offices in the area to invest in the VELscope technology. We will be offering VELscope screening to all of our patients in the high risk category for oral cancer. Since 25% of newly diagnosed cases do not fit the high-risk profile, if you feel that you would like to be screened please let us know.